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Need to Create Profits Online?

Do you have a business that should be screaming its presence across the internet?  Or do you have a unique idea that needs a unique website?  Perhaps just a company identity?

You've come to the right place - we have your custom solutions.

There are many options when it comes to creating a web presence for yourself.  They range from one-page do-it-yourself web sites all the way up to custom unique innovations.  We will be happy to discuss all your alternatives with you as a free first consultation.  We can offer project management if you already have your sights set on a particular expert you would like involved.  You can be as involved in or as removed from the process or as you would like.

We don't exclusively do web design - WE HELP YOU BUILD YOUR COMPANY!  We have the tools and experience to create your brand and expose it to the world:

Accelocom clients include a wide range of business sizes and industries.  Clients can be anywhere from one-man start-ups to multinational corporations.  The smaller clients usually use more of the website construction and intellectual property consulting services, whereas larger corporations usually use our specific Javascript and Perl programming expertise and our experience in streamlining and automating business practices to accomplish specific goals.

The following are some of the services we offer:
  • Market Research - We will give you facts and figures for your biggest competition.
  • Feasibility - Will your company / idea be profitable on the web?
  • Company Identity - Names, slogans and logos.
  • Domain Name Registration - Very inexpensive (whatever you do, don't let Network Solutions or Yahoo! charge you $35/yr).
  • Website Hosting
  • Website Design - Including graphics.
  • User Interface Design
  • Custom Perl, Javascript, and HTML Programming - Including databases.
  • Ecommerce - Credit card acceptance solutions ranging from free to a one time fee to a more integrated full processing system.
  • Digital Photography
  • Keywords - For search engine positioning.
  • Patent and Trademark Consultation - We also do patent searches and filings.
  • Business Strategy Development - Let Accelocom help you convert more of your visitors into customers and more one-time customers into repeat customers.
  • Process Automation and Acceleration - Stop spending time doing something a computer could do.  Accelocom will help you discover automation techniques and business methods you didn't even know existed, plus invent a couple of your own.  As an aside, did we mention that we are experts at Excel and Word?

Wondering what we charge?  The price of our services is based upon the project.  We know that we have very competitive rates and challenge you to find a better value after you get a quote from us.  Be assured that we base our services on providing solutions.  This protects you.  If we can't provide the solutions, you don't pay.

Need more guidance as to who you should hire?  Ask yourself these questions about your potential consultant.

1.  Do They Have Broad Skills?  Specialization doesn't mean limitation.  An internet consultant should be able to perform market research, register your domain name, design a user friendly interface, develop an engaging website, present ecommerce solutions, perform custom programming, coach you in implementing your online business strategy, and give you an understanding of the basics of internet law.  Why use five consulting agencies when you could use just one?

2. Do They Have Several Service Options?  One size fits all is not what you're looking for.  Can you start with them at relatively low cost and low risk before you make a larger commitment?

3. Do They Provide Lots of Free Information?  Good ideas in the form of how to's, resource pointers, and free online tools should be available on their web site.

4. Are They Well Read and Up-To-Date With Current Marketing Ideas?  To a great degree, we are what we know.  What magazines and internet sites has your consultant read or scanned recently?  You need someone who lives, breathes and dreams internet.

5. Can They Work Both Locally and Long Distance?  In these days of high-tech communication, a consultant who can work by phone and email can save you lots of time and money.  Being on the East Coast or West Coast shouldn't be a problem.

6. Can They Give Plenty of References?  Several testimonials and case studies plus a long list of references will let you know first hand if they can really help you or are just blowing smoke.

7. Are They Easy and Fun to Work With?  You can learn this from calling their references, but when you speak to the internet consultant on the phone, note that they ask good questions and really listen.  This is always the foundation for building a solid and profitable client-consultant relationship.

We Guarantee Our Work!